Monday 12 November 2012

Reduce Cholesterol

How to Reduce Cholesterol Level in the Most Effective and Safest Way
Due to an irregular increase of cholesterol level of most people, there is a need to reduce cholesterol. Cholesterol is an important nutrient that helps people stay active. It performs essential functions that keep the human system regulated. However, too much cholesterol in the body is no good at all. In fact, it might result to severe problems such as high blood pressure. People who have abnormal cholesterol level should reduce cholesterol intake to keep themselves as healthy as possible.
The Function of Lipoprotein With Regard to the Flow of Cholesterol
Lipoproteins are molecules that drive cholesterol to flow in the human blood vessel. Without lipoproteins, it is impossible for the cholesterol to increase. Nonetheless, it is not desirable to eliminate all of our lipoproteins. Remember that a person still needs cholesterol to keep him/her perform all his/her daily tasks well. What people should do to reduce cholesterol level is not to eliminate but to reduce lipoproteins.
Two Major Types of Lipoprotein
Lipoprotein is classified into:
1.)    Low Density Lipoprotein
The low density lipoprotein is known as the bad type of protein. Low density lipoprotein is not naturally bad. In fact, human blood is made up of 70% low density lipoproteins. What makes its bad is when its level elevates abnormally. Too much low density lipoprotein is the cause of atherosclerosis blockages formation. Blockages of atherosclerosis promote diseases like arterial disease.
2.)    High Density Lipoprotein
High density lipoprotein is referred to as the good type of lipoprotein. The production of high density lipoprotein comes from a person’s liver. The function of high density lipoprotein is to transport cholesterol and other kinds of fats. It also wipes out excess cholesterol in an individual’s wall of arteries. High density lipoprotein composes the remaining 30% of human blood.
How to Lower Cholesterol Level
There are many ways to do to reduce cholesterol level. The first way to make in fighting elevated cholesterol level is to engage in a low cholesterol diet plan. Reducing cholesterol intakes helps regulate an individual’s cholesterol level. A low cholesterol diet plan should include different varieties of fruits and vegetables. Second thing to do to lower cholesterol level is to perform daily exercises. An exercise does not have to be very difficult and heavy. Even a simple walk or jog will do. Try to walk everyday for at least 30 minutes and notice the difference. Another way to lower cholesterol level is to take supplements that are specifically made to regulate cholesterol level. Get the best supplement for cholesterol control at The site offers the most effective and safest supplement to reduce cholesterol level. Keep cholesterol at its normal level and be healthy by taking the best supplement for cholesterol control.

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